Value for You

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A New Website in Test Motion

Are you interested in Saving money on Energy? You might like to visit GC We have been having quite a winter across the Country. Real challenges in Southern Utah. After a couple homes lost to fire not too long ago. We had a roof cave in as winter started, so we had no real choice but to rebuild the roof. It has been quite a challenge, several times had to shovel snow off the ceilings and roof in order to rebuild the roof. We had to tear off the damaged roof and undesirable temporary construction after the fire. We have had delays due to heart attacks, heart surgery and other medical challenges. While working on this project, had a leaking knee, fluid running down my leg, but had to keep working to get the roof rebuilt, despite difficulties. You may see a few photos of our experiences at Hope things are going better for you. The people in Chile are really having their troubles with earthquake.

God Bless you all,

GC Jones